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Exploring puppy ownership

Owning a dog can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it is also a long commitment with an average dog living until around 10 years of age.

Exploring puppy ownership (via zoom or in person) is here to help give you an insight into owning a dog. The session can look at individual requests such as breeds and sizes of dogs, work commitments, cost of owning a dog, how a dog may impact on your family life style or general advice on caring for a pup such as puppy proofing your home, sleeping areas and equipment you may need before the puppy’s arrival.

Exploring puppy ownership will provide you with information which will help guide you in the right direction.


Have you chosen a puppy and are now waiting for the day to pick them up?  This 30 – 45 minute session, is designed to help you with all thing’s pre-puppy!  We can look at; equipment, puppy proofing your home, how to travel with your puppy safely home from the breeders, a sleeping area, toileting, food, what to expect in the first few days, a breeder contract, insurance and much more!