"positive" reinforcement-based program

I am excited to announce that I have now completed my further training with "'Puppy Culture'.  So, what is Puppy Culture? It is a program based on the latest scientific knowledge/studies using "positive" reinforcement techniques only.  The in-depth program teaches trainers about puppies’ critical developmental stages from birth to 12 weeks.  

We learn and therefore can teach why and how to train a puppy correctly, which creates a well-balanced adult dog.  We also learn what could create long term damage into adulthood such as fears, phobias, resource guarding, separation anxiety, hyperactive behaviours, aggression towards both humans and/or dogs etc.  

"Puppy Culture is a socialization and training program specifically developed for puppies from birth through to the end of their critical socialization period.  By letting the puppy lead, we are creating confidence and self-efficacy by presenting the appropriate level of challenge that the puppy CAN do without failing or presenting a danger to himself. We teach owners to enjoy each puppy for the precious individual he is, and to bring out the best qualities in that puppy. Many puppies are labelled as having behaviour or temperament issues when they are simply being served an inappropriate experience for their developmental age. This can hobble the puppy for the rest of his life with an unjust label that will cause people to treat him in an unthoughtful manner. 

Why is this so important? Because things that are perfect in one developmental period could be useless or even detrimental in the next, and vice versa. So we teach you to know where your puppy is developmentally, and what to do right now.

Yes, Puppy Culture is a "positive," reinforcement-based program and we do not use corrections or outmoded dominance theory, but that is really all a by-product of observing the puppy and serving him the learning experience he is asking for.  Our program is based on the latest science and studies on puppy and animal rearing." 

Puppy Culture


KAD approved professional


BCCS CPD practical course - 5 days