🏆 National Crimebeat Award!!

Harley the Cheshire Police Well Being dog, trained by myself since he was a tiny puppy for his job, has WON!!

Harley and his handler won the; "National Crimebeat Award 2021-22 - for their outstanding contribution to helping reduce crime and creating a safer community".

🦮 Amazing achievement!!! 🎉

Harley works in schools to help break down barriers between young people and Police Officers. Harley and his handler, work with Police Officers to help reduce stress and trauma they see and experience in their daily jobs. He also works at community events.

I am so PROUD of Harleys handler; we have trained Harley since he was a tiny puppy. In Harleys role as a Police Well Being dog, Harley has to be able to work in various environments and cope in ANY situation. He is trained to be; well mannered, polite at greeting, great at human and dog interaction, good on loose lead, friendly, safe around children, settle for periods of time, being happy to be handled, touched and stroked by strangers, rest in various environments, take treats gently with a soft mouth...along with many many other skills.

His handler has followed all my advice and training exercises with enthusiasm and a great attitude, achieving the success she has today with Harley.

I am SO proud and privileged to be part of Harley and his handlers journey to date!

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